Now is not the time to play it safe.
I know this doesn't apply to everyone, but it breaks my heart when I see so many young and skilled people write on LinkedIn that since last year, they are non-stop continuing to try to get back into the game of having a job. And how they’ve ended up applying to literally anything that comes their way, which is so sad.
Here’s my take on this. If the current game you’re in is:
- Going against you
- Drastically shifting
Then, it’s time to create your own game.
In June 2020, while my friend in Canada was laid off, he started applying for jobs in an entirely different field after 20 years in marketing. Everyone thought that this was a crazy move. In the end, he got the job he badly wanted, even before the pandemic.
Another quick story: I know a producer couple who were both laid off but found a very tiny budget during the first lockdown and started a mini series without paying a single penny to themselves. This enabled them to pitch the idea of their own media startup to investors.
Due to the pandemic, another friend of mine was immediately out of a job where she was managing touring artists in Los Angeles. This turned out to actually be an opportunity for her. She combined her passion for marketing and her knowledge of managing influencers, to finally start the new kinda-hybrid marketing firm that she has always wanted to pursue.
So what do they all have in common?
- They were not satisfied with their old jobs.
- They didn’t want to get stuck in the dangerous cycle of settling for just any new job.
This is also what I did. I was bootstrapping my own agency during lockdown. And I’m sure you all know someone whom the pandemic has forced to find something new.
Let’s talk about those who changed the game and encouraged others to not play it always safe. It's a different time.
I’m Reza Bird , a filmmaker and writer turned entrepreneur. The coming decades seem threatening and very competitive, but also full of opportunities. If you subscribe to this free newsletter, I’ll consistently share with you key insights on how creatives can build their digital businesses.